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  1. F

    Order at public charging stations

    All I can think of is to build more charging stations in more places. I'm thinking maybe in apartment complexes the parking could be set up and rented to members that have electric vehicles and need the charging stations. Then the owners may have to remember to plug in each evening and not...
  2. F

    Happy New Year

    Oh my, everyone must still be out partying.
  3. F

    Happy New Year

    Hi all, Wishing you a safe New Year's Eve and an outstanding New Year 2024. May you have good health and wealth for the new year. I'm the type that stays home and watches fireworks on the internet. What do you do to celebrate? Or what did you do if you see this on 1/1/2024.
  4. F

    Starring the hunt

    Thanks for that link. That is one less worry off the list of things to check before buying.
  5. F

    Issues with Android?

    I have my Samsung 22 and now the 23 Ultra 5 that I connect to the android app on the Nissan, and it works fine. I did need to get a new cable to go from car to phone recently. I'd suggest getting a new cable to see if that helps.
  6. F

    Charging chart

    I was looking into the time it takes to charge and I came across this chart. This came from a Bing search and did not give the source. The public locations look as if they would be a better place to charge, since at home takes all day.
  7. F

    2024 on order!

    Well, please tell us about it. Do you have a photo of the one you chose? What color?
  8. F

    Starring the hunt

    Yeah, I am concerned about being out traveling in the countryside and the battery malfunctioning. Or what happens if the car does a quicker than normal discharge.
  9. F

    Starring the hunt

    I'm just now starting to seriously check out these BMWs and what should I be sure to ask the dealer about? I'm a bit concerned about the life of the batteries and the cost impact is something happens to them. Also, is the insurance covering that type of incident? Thanks for all you help...