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  1. E

    Optimizing BMW i4 Battery Longevity

    - don't charge it too often to 100% ( I do it only if I plan a long trip); - don't let the battery go below 20%; - I don't think charging speed impacts the battery's longevity.
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    Strange Noise from Passenger Side Door Lock

    Does your car still make that noise? I am curious how it ended.
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    Glitchy sunroof

    I think the key in your pocket has played a prank on you, haha!
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    Issues with saved stations and Android Auto

    I have been having this for a while! I got used to it and it doesn't bother me anymore...
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    Prepping for My BMW i4 eDrive40 Any Tips for a Smooth Start

    100 miles on 80% is possible. Just make use of battery regeneration in B-direction drive mode.
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    Weird Rattle Post-Tire Replacement

    Have you noticed if the frequency of the rattle increases with the speed?
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    What happens when your BMW's 12V Battery dies on the road?

    BMW recommends using a flatbed to avoid potential dmg. As for the lithium-ion jump starter, while some users have had success without issues, it's always best to proceed with caution. Make sure any charging cables are disconnected before attempting to jump or charge your battery. I hope this helps.
  8. E

    Can I use 245s on all four 19" rims?

    Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend it. The tires will be a bit "stretched" because the rear wheels in that package are 1/2 inch wider. Also, you can run into fitment issues if you switch to wider rear tires to the front.
  9. E

    How to adjust speed of Automatic Lane Change DAPP?

    Hi, everyone! What is your experience with Automatic Lane Change DAPP? I see it kinda jarring at high speeds, and I want to adjust the speed, but I can't find any related settings. Any thoughts, please?
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    Vibrations at over than 110mph

    Hello, divers! Loving my car, but the relationship started tilting. Whenever I accelerate or brake at more than 110 mph, I feel a vibration that bothers me. What could be wrong? Any damage? Or, is this normal?